Ethan Couch, the teenager who killed four people and severely injured two others in a DUI crash but got off because a jury bought his lawyer’s so-called “affluenza” defense, has stunningly run afoul of the law once again.

Yesterday, a Dallas-area judge issued a warrant for Couch’s arrest after his probation officer was unable to reach him or his mother. Couch, who is 19, is two years into the 10 years of probation he received as a result of the accident.

Couch was first back in the news earlier this month when a teenager leaked a Snapchat (shown above) to local police and prosecutors on Twitter that appears to show Couch watching another kid dive onto a beer pong table. “Ya boy ethan couch violating probation,” wrote the tweeter, and though officials have yet to confirm that Couch was in the video, there are, in fact, other ways to violate probation—like missing a probation hearing and ignoring your probation officer.

Couch’s disappearance comes nearly two years to the day in which he was spared from prison, so maybe affluenza is just really bad this time of year.

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