Ethan Couch Booked into Juvenile Detention Center in Texas
Brendan O'Connor · 01/28/16 07:08PMEthan Couch's Lawyers Say They Are Investigating Whether the Affluenza Teen Was Forced to Go to Mexico
Brendan O'Connor · 01/19/16 07:07PM
Ethan Couch’s lawyers say that they are investigating whether the 18-year-old arrested in Mexico last month fled there, willingly violating the terms of his probation, or was forced, Reuters reports. “We are examining the determine whether he was taken voluntarily or involuntarily to Mexico,” attorney Scott Brown said.
$1,000 Reward Offered After Affluenza Teen's Dog Goes Missing in Mexico
Ashley Feinberg · 01/11/16 03:51PMBrendan O'Connor · 01/05/16 06:40PM
The Affluenza Teen Threw Himself a Going Away Party Before Fleeing the Country
Brendan O'Connor · 12/29/15 07:20PMYa Boy Ethan Couch Is a Master of Disguise
Ashley Feinberg · 12/29/15 09:37AM"Affluenza" Teen Detained Near Mexican Beach Town With His Mother
Brendan O'Connor · 12/28/15 10:22PMThomas Gilbert Jr Ruled Mentally Fit to Stand Trial in Father's Murder After Appealing to DA in Letter
Brendan O'Connor · 12/21/15 09:46PM
On Monday, the East Hampton Star reports, a New York State Supreme Court judge ruled that Thomas Gilbert Jr., who is accused of murdering his father, a prominent hedge-fund manager, is mentally competent to stand trial. Also, he wrote a letter to the DA reminding him that they went to the same school.
Now the FBI Is Searching For the Infamous "Affluenza" Teen and His Mom
Gabrielle Bluestone · 12/18/15 10:12AMThe Infamous "Affluenza" Teen Is On the Run From the Police
Jordan Sargent · 12/16/15 10:55AMEthan Couch, the teenager who killed four people and severely injured two others in a DUI crash but got off because a jury bought his lawyer’s so-called “affluenza” defense, has stunningly run afoul of the law once again.
Report: Ya Boy Ethan Couch Violating Probation
Brendan O'Connor · 12/03/15 06:17PM"Affluenza" Teen's Dad Arrested for Impersonating a Cop
Jay Hathaway · 08/20/14 04:45PMPsychologist Behind 'Affluenza' Defense Regrets Using That Word
Neetzan Zimmerman · 12/13/13 10:01AMThe psychologist who convinced a Texas judge that 16-year-old Ethan Couch was too rich to know right from wrong says he shouldn't have used the word "affluenza," but insists his defense of the teen was otherwise sound.