While still popular in states like Pennsylvania and Florida, the Ku Klux Klan is apparently having recruitment problems in South Carolina. So, last weekend, the group did what any past-their-prime terrorist organization would do: They handed out bags of candy stuffed with anti-immigration propaganda.

A resident of Seneca, SC found one of the bags, which contained Smarties, peppermints, and a pamphlet from the Loyal White Knights of the Ku Klux Klan listing the number to a "Klan Hotline" and the group's website.

From Fox Carolina:

The woman from Seneca, who does not want to be identified, said her family was on their way to church Sunday morning when they ran over the bag and stopped to check it out.

She said it shocked her and made her angry.

"[I] talked to several neighbors. They were very angry, very upset, very ashamed at the same time - that this exists," the woman said. "Ashamed to face our neighbors that do not have the same color skin that we do."

The "hotline" features a recording of a thickly-accented man ranting against the dangers of Mexican immigrants. Fox Carolina spoke with Robert Jones, the Imperial Klaliff of the Loyal White Knights, who said the candy was distributed this past weekend during the group's "national night ride." Jones denied targeting any specific homes during the ride

"I mean, we can't tell who lives in a house, whether they're black, white, Mexican, gay, we can't tell that," he said. "And if you were to look at somebody's house like that, that means you'd be pretty much a racist."

Jones added that people who receive the candy and literature have nothing to fear "unless they're doing something that the Klan considers morally wrong," as Fox Carolina put it.