Sweden has The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo, and now Norway has The Boy With the McDonald's Receipt Tattoo. He's an 18-year-old from Lørenskog, and he'll always remember exactly what he ate on Monday‚ because it's inked on his right arm.

Some friends who wanted to punish Stian Ytterdahl for being too active with the ladies (uh huh, sure) gave him a choice between a Barbie on his ass or the receipt on his arm. Ytterdahl resigned himself to his fate (and probably wished he hadn't added those 4 extra toppings to his burger).

Sabelink Tattoo said it was the strangest tattoo they'd ever done, and asked Ytterdahl if he'd get their receipt on his other arm—for free, of course. He agreed, and the next session is scheduled for Monday.

"Now I'm a living billboard," Ytterdahl told the newspaper Romereskes Blad, "But I think all this is just fun. Maybe it won't be as fun when I'm 50 or 60 years, but it's my choice."

McDonald's Norway says the tattoo isn't a publicity stunt, but they think it's terrific. "We're obviously talking about a loyal customer," said a spokeswoman.

[Photo Credit: Rb.no]