From WCYY Radio in Portland, Maine comes what is purportedly “A Bad Encounter With Funny Man David Sedaris.” But is it?

Here is what WCYY describes as the “bad encounter” between Sedaris and one “Karen,” a WCYY employee:

From Karen’s Facebook page:

I attended the October 21, 2015 show in Portland, Maine. It was my third time seeing him in Portland. (now my last time seeing him) My first time at the book signing table. I was really looking forward to meeting him.

DS: “What’s your name?”
Me: “Karen”
DS: “Do you have children?”
Me: “I have a dog”
DS: “What’s his name?”
Me: “Cosmo”
DS: “How old?”
Me: “He’s 12.”
DS: “Oh, he’ll die soon. Yes, he’s 12, he’ll die soon.”

After the conversation, he proceeded to draw a gravestone with R.I.P. Cosmo on it. He said he was drawing weeds that will grow there because she’d forget about him and get another puppy. She was shocked and pretty much speechless.


Get over it, Karen.

[A photo of the Sedaris drawing in question can be found here. Photo via Getty. Now put your own inane opinions about the propriety of this incident in the comment section below. What do you think? Cling fiercely to the illusion that the world wants to know.]