New Yorkers protesting the Darren Wilson grand jury decision shut down large swathes of the city Tuesday evening, blocking off an entrance to the Lincoln Tunnel and both sides of the FDR Drive as thousands of people joined the march.

It's the second night of protests in New York, and traffic was again brought to a standstill around the city when groups of demonstrators attempted to walk through the Lincoln Tunnel and entered the FDR Drive, blocking traffic from both directions downtown. There were also reports of delays or shutdowns at the Holland and Midtown tunnels.

Police Commissioner Bill Bratton promised to give protestors "breathing room," but CBS reported witnessing some scuffles between cops and protestors and at least five people were reportedly arrested Tuesday night.

Similar protests have been reported in dozens of cities across the country, including DC, Los Angeles, and Philadelphia.

[image via @KeeganNYC]