Over a 32-year career with the Defense Intelligence Agency, Roy Apseloff worked as the organization's Deputy CIO, Vice Deputy Director for Information Management, and director of its National Media Exploitation Center. None of that, apparently, adequately prepared him for his personal—and very sexy—email getting hacked.

Through much of the 2000s, Apseloff ran the DIA's media exploitation center, where intercepted documents were processed and analyzed for intelligence use. After that, as the agency's Deputy CIO, he oversaw "a global Information Technology (IT) organization of over 3,000 people and approximately $1 billion that provides IT support to over 20,000 customers worldwide"; most recently, he was the executive of Vision2020, a "strategic plan for adaptations to a changing intelligence environment for use by the next several administrations." He was, in other words, charged with reforming and planning the future of the DIA's intelligence operations. Not quite a month ago, he retired.

And he just got hacked.

"Guccifer," whose madcap reign of terror has struck George W. Bush, Candace Bushnell, and the now-dormant liberal media listserv Journolist, provided Gawker with a cache of documents recently obtained from Apseloff's computer, including an appraisal of Apseloff's home, a photograph of Apseloff and Arnold Schwarzenegger—and a lot of email, dating back to at least 2011, when he was still working at the DIA.

Apseloff comes across well in these emails. He's an intelligent, articulate correspondent, marked by an ability to transition seamlessly between subjects, from Obama's perceived weakness to his girlfriend's "hot pussy," which he "hit[s] hard and often." In one email he stimulates "both... pussy and mind," ruminating on defense contractor Palantir's ethics and promising to masturbate to a photo of his interlocutor "if it's revealing":

Not that it's all "fantastic blowjob" this and "bounce you up and down on my hard cock until your pussy cums hard around my cock" that. Apseloff also writes about work. In one email, a friend asks if he's "involved in the Wikileaks debacle." "We are very involved," he writes back, but "we... have a lot of things on our network to prevent something like that from happening to us":

Assuming Guccifer hooked Apseloff the same way he hooked the rest of his victims, the DIA honcho took some easy bait—likely a phishing email that gathered his passwords by pretending to be a friend or a technology company. One hopes that the DIA future-proofing plan he was coming up with is a little more sophisticated than his own personal security techniques.

Emails to DIA and Apseloff were unreturned at the time this post was published. We will update if and when we receive comment.