Monday night, Australian police had to rescue a tourist after she accidentally walked off a pier because she was too busy checking Facebook on her phone.

The woman strolled off Melbourne's St. Kilda's Pier into Port Phillip Bay at about 11:30 p.m on Monday. Witnesses quickly called police, who found the woman 20 minutes later, floating on her back because she couldn't swim.

"She was still out in the water laying on her back in a floating position because she told us later that she couldn't swim," Senior Constable Dean Kelly told the Australian Broadcasting Corporation. "Initially she apologized. She said, 'I was checking my Facebook page on the phone and I've fallen in.'"

The woman was taken to a nearby hospital but was fine, as was her phone—according to police, she "kept hold of her mobile phone throughout the entire ordeal."

[Image via Shutterstock]