TV Star's Missing Person Claim Against Scientology Ruled "Unfounded"

Leah Remini, the King of Queens star who noisily and publicly left Scientology after three decades of membership over disagreements with church leader David Miscavige, filed a missing person report for his wife Shelly who supposedly hasn't been seen in public in six years. The LAPD has taken the report and "ruled as unfounded." The missing person case is closed.
The Church of Scientology says this was "harassment," telling E! "It is a publicity stunt cooked up by a small band of unemployed fanatics who live on the fringe of the Internet."
According the Scientology theorist/journalist Tony Ortega, Shelly Miscavige was transferred to a secret compound close to Lake Arrowhead in 2005 or 2006, where a small group of Scientologists remain cut off from the world. While in the church, Remini had reportedly inquired about Shelly, particularly why she wasn't present at the wedding of Tom Cruise, where her husband served as the best man. The church spokesman at the time, Tommy Davis, allegedly told her: "You don't fucking rank to ask about Shelly."
Last week, Remini said that she plans to write a confessional tell-all about her experiences with the Church, including "everything that's taboo to talk about."
[photos via Getty, AP]