An Uber driver in Denver was arrested this week after he allegedly drove a woman to the airport, then drove right back to her house to rob it.

Cops say 51-year-old Gerald Montgomery picked up the victim on Thursday outside her Denver home. After dropping her at the airport, he allegedly doubled back to her home and tried to break in. Unfortunately for him, the victim didn't live alone.

Montgomery did not realize his passenger had a roommate who was still in the house and he fled when the "homeowner observed his actions", according to a police report.

The roommate was reportedly able to identify him based off a screenshot of the Uber receipt. In a statement, the company said it "immediately removed the driver's access to the Uber platform, pending an investigation."

But you won't be hearing Montgomery's side of the story—Denver's FOX 31 notes Montgomery "declined our request to be interviewed... in jail."

[image via FOX 31]

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