Do you think Putin has any regrets about Russia annexing Crimea? If you answered “yes,” you’re wrong, because Putin says he has no regrets about Russia annexing Crimea.

“It’s not because Crimea has a strategic importance in the Black Sea region,” Ol’ Blues Eyes reportedly told the makers of a recently-aired Putin-appreciation documentary. “It’s because this has elements of historical justice. I believe we did the right thing and I don’t regret anything.”

#YOLO,” Putin presumably added.

According to Putin, the sanctions from Western nations that followed were not about honoring Ukraine’s sovereignty but halting Russia’s rise as a global power. From Reuters:

“We have witnessed such attempts during Russia’s entire history, dating back to tsarist times. This attempt to deter Russia, this policy, has been known for a long time, for centuries. There is nothing new,” RIA quoted him as saying.

Putin said Western leaders would like to see Russia begging with its “cap in hand”.

[Image via Getty Images]