What the hell is going on this video? First we see an adult human ass peeking through a hole in a wall, so perfectly chiseled that you wonder for a moment whether it doesn't belong to a department-store mannequin. Then the mallets come out, and the men start swinging.

According to the tabloidy European outlets through which the story has spent the last two days rocketing, the man is one Ivan Ozerov, a 31-year-old resident of the Russian city Barnaul. Ozerov was drunk, the story goes, and began crawling through a ventilation shaft because he smelled soup coming from the other side. That's when he got stuck.

Here's how the Austrian Times puts it:

Unfortunately for 31-year-old Ivan Ozerov, as he was crawling headfirst down the shaft apparently following the smell of soup, his trousers had started to come off and eventually wedged around his ankles.

Unable to move properly in the tiny 40 centimetre wide ventilation shaft, he had started calling for help and eventually firemen were able to trace his location, and started to break through the wall.

It's one of those stories—often out of Russia or China—that seem too good to be true, tailor-made for tabloid coverage. But in this case, there's video. That's a real butt. We'll have to take their word about the soup.

[h/t Arbroath]