Teen Mom alum and "sex tape" maker Farrah Abraham is on this season of VH1's Celebrity Rehab replacement, Couples Therapy. Except she's not in a couple, so for her this show is therapy therapy, which is to say theater (she's into that less-is-more style of acting where you start to whisper at times of heightened emotion). She apparently conned producers into letting her on the show without a significant other. I'm sure producers were willfully conned, though, figuring that having her on the show solo in any capacity would make for good TV. They weren't wrong.

Abraham has stuck to the bullshit story she's always told that the porn she made with a porn star was actually a sex tape that was going to leak and she had no other choice but to profit off it. On last night's episode, The Real L Word's Sada Bettencourt called Abraham out on her blatant lie (part of her story is that James Deen, her sex tape partner, is/was her boyfriend). Bettencourt inquired why someone would hire a camera crew to film a sex tape, causing Abraham to slip and say, "No there was not—there was only me and the camera person." And then she denied ever saying "camera person." Literally, she said, "I don't know if I ever said 'camera person,' but there was never a camera person."

This scene proves what we already knew about someone with way too much exposure as it is, yes. But there is something cathartic about watching such a pathological liar get caught in her own lie.