On Wednesday, the New York State Police released “progression photos” of prison escapees Richard Matt and David Sweat, showing what the fugitives might look like after ten days on the run. But police still don’t appear to have any idea where Matt and Sweat are hiding, and unless there is a break in the case, those pictures will soon need updating. To aid the manhunt, Gawker has produced a series of images showing what these dangerous fugitives may look like if they continue to evade capture.

This is Richard Matt and David Sweat...

At Ten Days On the Run

At One Hundred Days On the Run

At One Thousand Days On the Run

At Ten Thousand Days On the Run

At One Hundred Thousand Days On the Run

If you see men resembling any of these images, please contact authorities.

Image via New York State Police. Advanced age-progression effects by Gawker Media Head Forensic Artist Jim Cooke. Contact the author at pareene@gawker.com.