Today, former Gawker editor Gabriel Snyder was named the new editor-in-chief of The New Republic, which was once "the in-flight magazine of Air Force One," according to a movie about the most famous person who worked there, who was a fabulist. Congrats, Gabe! We are very proud of you.

The rest of the white male journalist internet, it seems, is not. They are very mad that New Republic owner Chris Hughes chose Snyder to replace the former editor, Jonathan Safran Foer's brother Franklin, and also gave to the boot to Leon Wieseltier, the reanimated pleistocene-era fossil who writes the magazine's backpage ads.

Outrage illustrated:

Indeed, an entire magazine is now doomed to fail because a white man has been fired and—gasp—an internet-savvy white man has been brought in to replace him! In TNR's 100-year history, I never would have imagined such a triage of injustice. It's clear that the new leadership of the magazine—with all their greasy Facebook money—is dead set on ruining a (historically racist) publication no one ever read in the first place, and was on the slow road to Irrelevance City. What will Chris Hughes do next? Perhaps the publication might even become interesting. Scream!

[Photo of Leon Wieseltier via AP]