
Gabriel Snyder Will Replace Franklin Foer at The New Republic

J.K. Trotter · 12/04/14 02:35PM

Something is afoot at The New Republic. Though no official announcements have been made, we’re told by staffers that the office is buzzing with rumors that Gabriel Snyder, a digital advisor at Bloomberg Media and former editor of The Atlantic Wire and Gawker, has been hired as its new editor-in-chief—replacing Franklin Foer in the magazine’s top spot. (Update: Foer has resigned.)

Tina Brown Can Still Have Any Writer She Wants

Hamilton Nolan · 01/31/11 01:11PM

In your stuffed Monday media column: Tina Brown is making power moves, Hearst is making Hachette employees nervous, a PBS show may get canceled, Phish fans invade the media, and The Atlantic Wire gets a new boss.

Gawker EIC Fired in CityFile Acquisition

Gabriel Snyder · 02/15/10 04:21PM

Okay, this is weird. But here are two internal memos. One affecting me, the other by me. Nick has just announced that Gawker's acquiring CityFile. As part of that deal, I'm losing my job. Now that they are out there, may as well put them here. So that you have them:

The Twitterati Take a Snow Day

Owen Thomas · 03/02/09 04:37PM

What's in Ruth Reichl's freezer? What disappoints Martha Stewart? Which New York wantrepreneur is about to get a snowball to the face? And why is a CNN reporter freaking out? Twitter has all the answers:

New Gawker editor's secret Web shame

Owen Thomas · 10/21/08 10:00AM

Yesterday, I met Gabriel Snyder, the former W Magazine writer who's starting as Gawker's new managing editor next week. We're coworkers, since Gawker Media publishes both Gawker and Valleywag. He seems nice enough. But one thing worries me: He has a Friendster profile, which was quite au courant in 2003. The profile, like the site itself, is seriously out of date, listing Snyder as single. He's engaged. Sorry, ladies.

More launch party: Gabriel Snyder

Gawker · 02/12/03 11:32AM

Recently-departed US Weekly staffer Gabriel Snyder and I reminiscing about the old days hanging out at Slide after closing Marion's and being too lazy to walk more than 5 feet to the next bar. Discussing Gabriel's new job at Variety, the requisite move to Hollywood, and me wondering how long before Gabriel realizes that he's in Hollywood and comes screaming back to New York.

Morale at Bloomberg

Gawker · 02/07/03 09:49AM

Keith Kelly reports that Bloomberg LP chiefs have been ordered to make a list of employees who aren't happy, possibly in an effort to find out who's been talking to the press. Says one insider, "There isn't enough paper in a printer to print out that list." On a side note, Kelly says that US Weekly's Gabriel Snyder is leaving to work for Variety.
Bloomberg: A list-ing ship? [Keith Kelly - Post]