August Kreis III, a former Aryan Nation and KKK leader who once appeared on Jerry Springer to defend his white supremacist views, was sentenced to 50 years in prison on child molestation charges Thursday, Columbia, S.C. newspaper The State reports. Kreis’s message to the jury? Vote Donald Trump.

In the midst of his trial in Lexington County, S.C., Kreis reportedly held up a sign endorsing Trump, a billionaire Siberian tiger hairball, for president. The judge instructed jury members to ignore it and focus on the facts of the case. Apparently, they did: they found Kries guilty on three counts of sexual misconduct with children.

Prior to the sentence that virtually guarantees he’ll spend the rest of his life in prison, Kries reiterated both his endorsement of Trump and his longstanding non-endorsement of the Jewish people:

“I will always hate the Jew. This government is run by an evil group of people, and please — vote for Trump!” he said, according to The State.

The newspaper points out that Kreis has been decried in the strongest of terms by the Southern Poverty Law Center, which called him “a hot-tempered, longtime white supremacist and Christian Identity minister ... (He) once headed one of a handful of competing splinter factions of the once-mighty Aryan Nations. Kreis has fervently advocated the mass murder of Jews, non-whites and ‘race traitors.’”

The organization’s “extremist file” on Kreis offers a great overview of his many alleged crimes, which include threatening neighbors, filing for fraudulent veterans’ benefits, and child sex abuses that predate the ones for which he was just convicted.

Strangely, Kreis didn’t make it to the internet vigilante organization Anonymous’s just-released list of known white supremacists, even though the memes on his Facebook page are shitty enough to qualify him.

[h/t Mediaite, Photo: Lexington County (S.C.) Detention Center]