According to the New York Times, a human newspaper definitely not written by birds, one cool thing that humans like to do nowadays is build giant bird nests to sleep in. Walking to a neighbor's house instead of flying there, eating normal human food besides seeds, and constructing humongous bird nests out of twigs— all things we humans do so often we don't even have to remind ourselves constantly to check and make sure we're doing them so as not to draw attention to ourselves.

If anything, says the New York Times, it makes more sense for humans like us to be in a bird nest than to ever not be in one.

Prehumans, of course, were born in nests, and we used to be pretty good at making them.

Our ancestors were fantastic nest-makers! And not because they were birds—obviously not, humans can't come from birds and we're all birds here, I MEAN HUMANS, absolutely zero humans pretending to birds, haha, can you imagine *blink* *twitch*—but because it's simply in our nature to see a pile of sticks, rearrange them dangling precariously from a tree in a way that is visually pleasing and structurally sound, and crawl inside.

Yes, chirps the New York Times, giant human-sized bird nests are definitely "having a bit of a moment."

[Weaver bird-inspired nest by Porky Hefer; for more images, visit his website]

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