Australia finally has a reason to be proud. After spotting the camera-mounted Google Street View car roaming through her Port Pirie neighborhood, Karen Davis stepped up to share her enormous boobs with the world [NSFW pics below].

"I look at Google Maps a lot and I wanted to be on there and I thought this is the way to do it," Davis told the Port Pirie Recorder. "I also did it for a friend in the United Kingdom. Now he can see me all the time."

Davis's mission was successful and an uncensored photo [NSFW] of her topless briefly appeared on Google Maps.

Realizing their mistake, Google tried to censor the photo but missed Davis's breasts by juuust a bit.

Google's second attempt at blurring Davis was more successful.

Davis, however, remains satisfied with her efforts. "I got to tick something else off my bucket list," she said. "I met Sam Newman [famous Australian person] and now I am on Google Maps."

She also had a word for the haters. "Haters hate, you got the guts to do it?" she wrote on her Facebook account. "All the flat-tittie chicks think I am disgusting. Big-boob envy has hit Port Pirie."

H/T Smoking Gun.