[There was a video here]

"I think my brother is gay and it's normal and I love him so much," said the woman above on Friday's episode of Nightline. And with that she quietly, firmly, and bravely protested against the country that has institutionally subjugated her brother.

Without self-congratulation or seeming awareness of her own bravery, the woman (who went unnamed on the show) violated Russia's vaguely worded anti-gay propaganda law, which bans the "promotion" of "non-traditional sexual relations" in spaces where it could potentially reach children (a TV broadcast surely counts). Dubbed "Moscow Is Burning," the Nightline episode reported on the situation for gays in Russia in the wake of the passage of the law. Moscow's largest gay club, Central Station, was of particular focus, as it has withstood attacks from inside and out (a group that calls itself the "Morality Patrol" performs surveillance, recording all who enter and leave the club).

The brother of the woman above, "Victor," was getting ready to leave his job as a drag performer at Central Station because he decided to go west and move to San Francisco. The woman above told her brother, "I'm really happy that you [are leaving] Moscow and Russia," because "he will be happy in the U.S.A."

This woman is happy to lose her "one friend" as he pursues his happiness and safety in another country. That's how bad things are for gays in Russia.