Gossip roundup

· The NYT spikes a column on the PR industry criticizing a technique used by Raines' fiancee. [Page Six]
· Art curator Baird Jones acknowledges that he's "intentionally curating artists who are about to die." [Page Six]
· Limelight-era debauchery was revived on Wednesday at a party for Sundance entrant, "Party Monster." Drag queens, disco balls, and full-frontal nudity were involved. [Page Six]
· Corcoran raids other real estate firms to net top producing competitors. [Page Six]
· Richard Gere never curses. Visitors that do are asked to leave his home. [Cindy Adams]
· Mariah Carey: "Saying a man should like me for my mind sounds like I think I'm Einstein. But I'd like someone who doesn't accuse me of making up words like 'segue.'" [Cindy Adams]
· Miramax may be considering a big-screen version of "Guys and Dolls" with Vin Diesel. [Liz Smith]
· David Gest and Liza Minnelli celebrate their one-year anniversary. Frightening. [Liz Smith]
· When Steve Bing dropped by the set of "Kangaroo Jack," actors Jerry O'Connell and Anthony Anderson began singing Michael Jackson's "Billie Jean"The kid is not my son. Sandra Bullock on Hugh Grant: "He's a bit poofy and queenie, and he warned me he'd have hissy-fits, or 'tanties,' as he calls them." Hugh Grant on Sandra Bullock: "[She] kissed me like she'd never been kissed before in her life. I hesitate to use the word 'desperate,' but that flashed through my mind." [NY Daily News]