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· The producer and director of Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck's upcoming movie, Tough Love got into a shouting match blaming each other after test audiences didn't like it, in an apparent refusal to believe that the movie just plain sucked. Affleck broke them up. [Page Six]
· Hipster celeb fight: Page Six reports that "Sean Lennon came to blows with Brain McPeckthe lead singer of Paul Sevigny's band A.R.E. WeaponsSaturday at Swa. 'Sean walked by and knocked Brain's hat off,' said a witness. An infuriated McPeck called Lennon a 'faggot.' And then fists flew." [Page Six]
· The NY Daily News has padlocked their old smoking room. [Page Six]
· MTV President Van Toffler insists that the network isn't censoring anti-war videos. [Page Six]
· Jack Nicholson: "I don't believe in cosmetic surgery and I have no plugs or tucks. I look at that as mutilation." [Cindy Adams]
· Jogging in France: "Anyone who does anything in Paris that smells of Yankeelike, for instance, joggingis expected to wear a shirt with a logo that's anti-US or anti-Bush or anti-war or anti anything that's anti-Franceor you get cursed upon and/or spat upon." [Cindy Adams]
· Robert Downey Jr's former cellmate, Charles Bell, is suing, Downey, Vanity Fair, and Conde Nast for remarks Downey made about him in a Vanity Fair article two years ago indicating that he was a "recovering pimp" who "talks to satellites." [NY Daily News]