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· Liz Smith says we've unfairly locked her in the supply closet: "don't they know that Babs doesn't have a thing to do with me? I'm on her Z list. I'd be the last person she'd ever invite April 24!" [Liz Smith]
· Comedian Bill Maher was shocked and offended to learn that Details chief Dan Peres didn't reserve a VIP table for him and his ten friends at their pool party last week. "When you invite someone like me to a party..." he whined. [Page Six]
· The ultimate in conspicuous consumption: For a recent Nylon photoshoot, Lil' Kim wore a diamond studded AmEx Centurion card (the highly exclusive black ones) around her neck. The name on the card: ID Models mogul Paolo Zampolli. [Page Six]
· Director Roman Polanski on Adrien Brody, after the actor forgot to thank him in his Oscar speech: "He's a punk. I want nothing more to do with him. Never ever will I work with him again." [Cindy Adams]
· The rules for visiting Camp David: "No guns, no explosives, no mobile phones, no pagers, no cigarettes, no "dipping," meaning no snuff tobacco." [Liz Smith]
· Heiress Marylou Whitney learns how to operate a washing machine. [NY Daily News]