Who's Your Daddy? Inspires Predictable Outrage

We were worried that Fox would have trouble finding new ways to shock and sicken America with its reality shows. Where is there left to go after providing blowsy women with extreme surgical makeovers and then forcing them into a beauty pageant of the damned? Or taking away helpless children's mothers and replacing them with a new version, as the cameras dutifully capture every last moment of permanent emotional scarring? These turned out to be very silly worries indeed; Fox never fails to deliver the damaged goods. People are again up in arms over Who's Your Daddy?, a show whose money-shot is the reunion of a daughter and her biological father. The LAT reports:
"This is a new low for the Fox network," said David Youtz, president of Families With Children From China, in a letter sent to Fox president Peter Chernin on Tuesday. "It's hard to imagine a more callous kind of exploitation than the treatment of this most private moment as a crude entertainment."
Oh, we just imagined a more callous kind of exploitation! Think of the ratings if the contestant had to sleep with one of the potential "Daddies"...think of it as Russian Roulette, but, you know, with incest. We think we may have guaranteed a second Who's Your Daddy? installment, if not an entire season pick-up.