Trade Round-Up: Everyone On Earth Watches American Idol

· The Golden Globes ratings slump causes the Television Academy to consider overhauling the Emmys ceremony, such as removing most movie and miniseries categories from the telecast, or reducing the show to a half-hour series of reaction shots of the Will & Grace cast. [Variety]
· Fox entertainment president Gail Berman can unload the suicide pistol in her desk, as better than 30 million viewers per hour tuned in to watch the premiere American Idol "retards singing Ricky Martin standards" episode. [THR]
· Red-hot off The OC, Tate "Jimmy Cooper" Donovan signs on for...a Sci-Fi Channel series with Shaft? We smell an agent firing on the horizon. [Variety]
· Paramount is still remake-crazy, but at least this time they're bringing out the big talent guns for their live-action/CGI Charlotte's Web. Julia Roberts, Oprah, Andre 3000, Kathy Bates and a cast of thousands will do the voices. [Variety]
· We thought they'd hold out for Speed 3: Somewhat Faster, but Sandra Bullock and Keanu Reeves will reuinite in the romantic drama Il Mare for Warner Brothers. [THR]