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· A NY court rules that Marvel Enterprises owes comic book legend Stan Lee 10% of the profits earned from TV and movies based on Marvel characters, including Spider-Man. (The worldwide gross from both Spidey movies is about $1.5 billion, but let's see what happens after the studio accountants are through.) Obviously, Marvel will appeal. [Variety]
· Les Moonves refuses to accept that UPN's ratings are flat, questions the whole Nielsen system! Well, as it pertains to his shows, anyway. [THR]
· Warner Brothers and Paramount are in negotiations to co-finance a film about the Zodiac killer. David Fincher is also in talks to direct, but, as always, he'll have to fight to make sure that his "foreboding atmosphere" budgetary needs will be met. Constant rain doesn't come cheap. [Variety]
· Acquisition-hungry studios descend on Sundance tonight, ready to feast on the "best lineup of films in recent memory." We can't wait to see what stays down and what gets vomited back up. [THR]
· American Idol defeats Lost in the Wednesday battle of ratings titans. Stay tuned as ABC rushes Lost's very special, out-of-tune musical episode onto the air next week. [Variety]