Trade Round-Up: Rock Boring, Oscar Ratings At A Five-Year High

· The usually hilarious Chris Rock boosts Oscar ratings to a five-year high by toning down his act enough not to induce heart attacks in frail Academy members (while boring most everyone else). [Variety]
· The Little Euthanasia Engine That Could: The inspiring tale of how Oscar darling Million Dollar Baby made it to the screen. [Variety]
· For about $250,000 per episode, TBS gets the rights to air According to Jim re-runs. We sincerely hope that the network doesn't denude the groundbreaking sitcom of its trademark edgy humor as it commutes to basic cable. [THR]
· Everbody works during pilot season, part the tenth: Christopher Lloyd, Tom Berenger, and Luke Perry pick up temporary paychecks. [THR]
· Losers drive Beemers: Variety's website is covered in BMW ads featuring Best Supporting Actor also-ran Clive Owen. [Variety]