Trade Round-Up: Fox Wants You To Live Forever

· Clear Channel takes steps to conquer China, where they hope to defeat communism by replacing government-controlled radio stations with 24-hour broadcasts of Linkin Park. [Variety]
· Quentin Tarantino has lost his mind: QT considers writing and directing a new installment of the Friday the 13th series. [THR]
· OK, now Fox is just making shit up: Fox greenlights lifestyle makeover series Who Wants to
Live Forever? for at least four episodes. At the end of each show, one lucky contestant will be beheaded and submerged in a vat of liquid nitrogen until science advances enough to grant them immortality. [Variety]
· Oh the humanity of pilot casting! Dennis Hopper, Rob Estes, Regina "I'm in Everything" King, Brent "Lt. Data" Spiner, Joely Fischer, Jennifer Esposito, Brooke Burns, and—gasp!—Dan Cortese, all hard at work on shows you'll never see. (Except for Hopper, who's in a Jerry Bruckheimer project. We'll never get rid of that show.) [THR]
· Bruce Willis will star in 16 Blocks for Avi Lerner's Millenium Films. Obviously, none of the parties involved have read the script. [Variety]
· Bored with appearing in roughly 65 percent of the commercials currently in rotation on network television, Sarah Jessica Parker signs a television development deal with HBO. [THR]