Breaking! Gail Berman Quits Fox For Paramount

THR and Variety are reporting that Fox entertainment head Gail Berman has dumped Rupert Murdoch's slice of television heaven for a movie job ("the top creative post") underneath Brad Grey at the New Paramountâ„¢.
Whoa, didn't see this one coming. Berman's ditching Fox in the middle of pilot season, and God only knows what's going to happen to Arrested Development now. Well, God and anyone whose first thought is that it's probably toast.
And what happens to Paramount bigshot Donald DeLine? Is he toast as well? And will he be toasting himself or get toasted by Grey? Too many toast questions make our head hurt, so see the trade paper coverage for the fun, factual portion of the story, including info on Berman's possible successors and the liberal use of the terms "ankle" and "prexy."