Paramount On Gail Berman: Not So Fast (Analysis: Riiight)

Want a fascinating, up-to-the-minute update on Gail Berman's imminent move from Fox to Paramount? Of course you do! This is the e-mail that was circulated internally at Paramount, urging their employees not to break out in a spontaneous ticker-tape parade in front of the Sherry Lansing Theater in anticipation of Berman's elaborate coronation ceremony. Right. But we understand if they're not yet ready to announce the big move; it takes time to carve the plaque with her name on it out of an assistant's bones, and they want everything to be just right:
The Hollywood rumor mill is spinning in full force today and I wanted to address what many of you are hearing or reading on the Internet. As reported, we are in discussions with Gail Berman to come to the studio in a senior role. While I don't have anything official to report yet, I hope the discussions with Gail will conclude very soon. In the meantime, we've issued the following statement, which I also wanted all of you to have as well:
"Paramount Pictures is in discussions with Gail Berman for a senior creative role at the studio. We hope to conclude the discussions shortly. Ms. Berman is one of the most talented executives in the entertainment industry, with great relationships, exceptional taste, and an amazing track record. She would be a great addition to the Paramount team."