Paramount Shake-Up: TV Lunatics Running The Movie Asylum

While we all await breathlessly the official announcement that Gail Berman has left Fox to be Brad Grey's number two at the New Paramountâ„¢, the NYT finds a film executive who isn't impressed by the TV bonafides of Grey, Berman, and Viacom co-president/cheerleader Tom Freston:
"Between all of them you have no one with a movie background," said one film industry executive, speaking on condition of anonymity. "They're two very different industrial processes, film and television. If you're running a network you're putting on 21 hours of prime-time television a week. If you're programming for a movie company, you're releasing 30 hours a year."
If you subtract out the 10 hours of American Idol-related programming and the slot reserved for homely women to have double-Ds bolted on in preparation for a beauty pageant of the damned or for abandoned offspring to weed out their birth parents from people merely pretending to be their birth parents, does that help at all? Besides, we think Viacom-branded knockoffs of all of these quality shows are going to make fine feature films. This is the era of corporate shitergy, after all.