Trade Round-Up: Peter Liguori On The Rise

· FX's Peter Liguori is the frontrunner to replace Gail Berman atop Fox. We can only hope that he will exercise prudent stewardship over surefire hits in the pilot pipeline, like the one with Tara Reid running a Vegas wedding chapel. Don't fuck it up, Pete! That would be like flushing a gold brick down the crapper! [THR]
· This is no longer breaking news: HBO and New Line team up to create a new indie distributor, led by Newmarket Film's Bob Berney. [Variety]
· M. Night Shyamalan takes his hacky/twisty talents away from Disney and gifts them to Warner Brothers, where he'll make his next project, Lady in the Water. Spoiler alert: The lady will not be a lady at all, then the water kills the lady. [Variety]
· The American Idol voting snafu potentially fucks over the buzz-deficient Life on a Stick, which will now premiere tonight against the buzz-building The Office. [Variety]
· The pilot casting pool is getting dangerouly thin, as CBS gives Scientology adherent/acting castoff Jenna Elfman a job. We suppose this was preferable to Les Moonves letting Eflman clean his mansion. [THR]