Breaking: Severed Leg Found On Fox Lot? UPDATE

This disturbing tip landed in our inbox a little while ago:
they found a severed leg with workboot on in the construction on the Fox lot. dogs looking for more severed parts right now.
Unfortunately, we haven't heard anything else, other than that the information is circulating around the Fox lot. If anyone else knows anything, we're all ears. Especially if they find one of those, too.
And for our required dose of completely inappropriate commentary: We thought it would be weeks before they started finding parts of Gail Berman's former assistants, but things are happening pretty quickly over there.
[Seriously, we hope everything is OK.]
UPDATE 2: Following the picture after the jump.
Did this severed-foot-in-a-workboot found in a landfill in Topanga somehow become a severed-leg-with-workboot on the Fox lot, through the magic of whispers and rumor? Or were there two severed body parts discovered yesterday at different sites? Developing...but we still think that somebody ought to take a head count of Berman's assistants, just in case.
A spy sent us this cameraphone pic of the construction site on the Fox lot where the mysterious leg-with-boot was supposedly found yesterday, taken during the height of the rumors:

UPDATE 2:OK, now it's starting to come together: According to KCAL, the foot may have orginated on the Fox lot.
KCAL-TV reported that the foot may have been in a load of landfill dirt brought to Malibu from a construction site on the 20th Century Fox lot in Century City. Yates said she couldn't confirm that information.
Are any of Gail Berman's former assistants walking with a noticeable limp?