Then A Bell Rang, And Fox Head Peter Liguori Salivated

The Hollywood Reporter sits down with fresh-faced Fox head Peter Liguori to discuss his first week at his new gig, predecessor Gail Berman's legacy, and the creative culture of his network:
The Hollywood Reporter: You've been on the job as Fox entertainment president for less than a month after seven years at the helm of FX. What are your first impressions of the network?
Peter Liguori: My general impression is that this is a place that is highly energized by pride and highly energized by the level of creativity that is being put forth. It all seems to be held together through a great team effort and a sense of marketing excitement, publicity excitement, creative excitement.
Is there anything curious about the focus on the creative talents of the marketing and publicity teams at the network? These sound suspiciously like the hyperbolic words of a man who's in the throes of a Pavlovian response to the hot stack of Pam-Cakes waiting in the next room.