Trade Round-Up: Other Countries Have Bad Taste, Too

· Overseas audiences make Americans look discerning for a change, as XXX tops foreign box office. We never want to hear another word about our cultural wasteland from someone with a foreign accent again. [Variety]
· MTV, buzzless and hurtling towards the upfronts, quietly prays for Newlyweds to end in a climactic murder-suicide. [THR]
· Regency and 20th Century Fox Television sign Malcolm in the Middle writer Alex Reid to a "rich" two-year development deal. (Full disclosure: As an intern, we made coffee for Reid on numerous occasions and were never once doused with our poorly-brewed Folgers, even if some grounds got into the pot.) [Variety]
· TheFamily Guy's re-debut does some nice ratings, but the crazy bitches from Wisteria Lane still have their way with Nielsen families. [THR]
· Director Todd "Far From Heaven" Haynes nabs Cate Blachett, Colin Farrell, Adrien Brody, Richard Gere, Julianne Moore, and Charlotte Gainsbourg for his "unconventional" Bob Dylan biopic I'm Not There. [Variety]
· News your waiter can explain much more clearly than we can: Former AFTRA head Greg Hessinger starts today as CEO of SAG. [Variety]