Trade Round-Up: 'AD' Bros Ride The Stallion

· CBS Network sales president Jo Ann Ross on their upfront advertising riches: "We are happy with the share-shift we are getting from NBC." Somewhere, Les Moonves is laughing his ass off, as "share-shift" is his secret code for "Jeff Zucker is my bitch." [Variety]
· Fox gives American Dad an additional 13 episode order, allowing the network to trick viewers into thinking they're watching The Family Guy until 2007. [THR]
· Everything old is new again, but not as good: New Line and Benderspink are producing an updated Mr. Mom called, hilariously, Stay at Home Tom. [Variety]
· Desperate Housewives, Lost, Veronica Mars, House, and Rescue Me are all up for best new program at the TCA's, while Who's Your Daddy? is criminally overlooked. [THR]
· Emmy-winning Arrested Development directors Joe and Anthony Russo sign on for the Universal comedy You, Me and Dupree, starring Owen "The Butterscotch Stallion" Wilson. Run free, you magnificent steed! [Variety]