'Halo' Sells

Various outlets are reporting today (though SorryIGotDrunk had a little info on it last night—God bless the internet news cycle) that Fox and Universal are going halfsies on a Microsoft bastard, teaming up to buy Halo (reportedly for half of the original $10 million upfront price, plus other concessions). In case you've suffered blunt head trauma and are having recall problems, you'll remember that CAA, Microsoft's pimp of choice, dispatched an army of green-armored men (or "Master Chiefs") to deliver the script to studios, most of which promptly passed.
Studio executives were asked to read it while the Master Chiefs waited in the lobbies. At Paramount, one studio executive said, the Master Chief held his helmet in his lap because he was hot.
Don't worry, once word got back to CAA that one of their emissaries broke character with $10 million of The New Paramount's money on the line, he was immediately killed, and his lifeless body was displayed in the mailroom as a reminder about what it takes to make it at the agency.