Trade Round-Up: Scott Rudin Interested In Hazing, Who Knew?

· Weinstein acquisition mania: Bob and Harvey pick up the family fantasy pitch The Impossible Adventures of Phineas Roone as a possible franchise for their new house of pain. [Variety]
· Why is the press beating up on Tom Cruise? Because sister/publicist Lee Anne DeVette doesn't inspire the same kind of "I'll rip off your head, defecate down the resulting cervical cavity, then cut off access to my other stars" terror that Pat Kingsley once did. [THR]
· Insert joke about the cruel abuse of your inferiors: Scott Rudin will produce an adaptation of the fraternity hazing memoir Goat. [Variety]
· Paramount hires Coach Carter director Thomas Carter for more sports-related work, a feature about arrested Vanderbilt football recruit Marcus Dixon's life titled, um, Marcus Dixon. [THR]
· Hugh Jackman's Seed productions gets a first-look deal at 20th Century Fox, but obviously lacked the clout to stop Fox from hiring Brett Ratner to ruin his Wolverine meal ticket. [Variety]