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Well, wrap us in a boa and call us Mediabistro, 'cause we sure do enjoy aggregating the best job listings for our fine, unemployed Gawker nation. Today, the infotainment industry is looking for fresh blood:

Major Entertainment Website is looking to hire 1 "Editorial Director" and up to 15 "Staff Writers."

"Editorial Director" should be a [brilliant]* recent college graduate, highly motivated, have a pulse on movies, celebrities and entertainment news, be connected to "the scene," be in the know at all times and have excellent communications and interpersonal skills. This person would help manage the up to 15 Staff Writers and their assignments. Looking for the proverbial "ALL-STAR," nothing less.

"Staff Writers" (yes, up to 15 of them) would be those who have a passion for writing creatively about movies, celebrities, featured stories, news items — everything tinseltown-related. Must be able to write with little need for editing. In college still? That's ok, we trust you'll graduate. Those in this position will be considered a Paid Intern, so it's something strong and legitimate to add to your resume.

Please email a note about yourself and why you think you'd be a STAR for us, along with a resume to the address in this posting.

Potential applicants should demonstrate ironic use of scare quotes and capitalization; 5,000-word essays on why David Pecker is a modern-day Adonis will receive SPECIAL consideration.

*We didn't add this brilliant business. They did. No clue why they used brackets, but perhaps their brilliant new hires can decipher the mystery.

Editorial Director AND Staff Writer [Craigslist]