'Post' Catches State Pols Abusing Power, Grammar

Today's Post has an exclusive that is uncharacteristically both actually exclusive and, even better, actually true: Someone gave the paper a tape filled with about 45 minutes of secretly recorded conversations among Gov. Pataki, his wife, Al D'Amato, and some top political advisors. There's lots of stuff about patronage appointments, lots of Libby Pataki bitching about her schedule of events and the fact Donna Hanover Giuliani got more attention at those events than she did, and, finally, what to us is clearly the most scandalous bit, from a conversation between D'Amato and a Pataki aide about a patronage job:
"Told him Mondello wants it, you know," said D'Amato. "I think, between you and I, that Nassau is entitled to a lot more than it's gotten."
Between you and I? Oh, Al. You and me, Al. You and me.