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Well, yes, the new Vogue is big. And it really weighs 4 pounds. But, er, it doesn't actually put last year's to shame.

We made the mistake of just following what the Times told us:

Vogue, which usually runs more ad pages in September than any monthly, will do it again. The almost 691 ad pages the issue carries will break a record of nearly 651 ad pages, set last September.

Which is true, by what's being officially listed as Vogue's ad sales for September. We'd just briefly forgotten what we read in the Observer last week:

The cavemen, or other literal-minded folk, might be confused by the publisher's definition of "magazine": The $2 million revenue increase that Mr. Florio is reporting to the Publisher's Information Bureau includes some money from Men s Vogue, which will make its newsstand debut — still, officially, as a test product — in September, with its older sister as chaperone.

It's fun when the pussy gets to smack back.

Off the Record [NYO]
Cover Models May Not Be Fatter, but the Issues Are [NYT]
Earlier: All Bow Before the September 'Vogue'