Eva Longoria: Painful Waxing No Substitute For Emmy Nomination

When JV Desperate Housewives star Eva Longoria was non-grievously bonked on her pretty noggin by a section of pipe last week, we sheepishly admit that our first thought was not, "Wow, we hope that she's OK and makes a speedy, heroic return to work," but "Hey, how much hair does she have on her ladyflower?" Page Six sets our minds at ease:
DESPERATE housewife Eva Longoria says she only discovered her sexual self after she got some pruning done in an intimate area. "It was when I was 25 or 26," the star, 30, told the Mirror in London. "I never waxed or really paid attention to that area. It opened the door to a whole new sexual side of me. Getting in touch with your inner sex goddess would begin with the Brazilian wax."
A hearty high-five to Longoria's quick-thinking publicist, who's done an admirable job keeping her name in the press to offset all the Emmy attention her co-stars are receiving. An item about her client's bikini area is a welcome change of pace, and a nice gossip-sheet placeholder until the next time she's photographed leaving a club holding hands with a B-lister she's not actually sleeping with.