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A transcript cannot really capture what we're told was the true stoneditude of the live event, but, still, it's worth nothing at least this snippet of Chris Rock's appearance on Anderson Cooper 360° last night, touting the relief efforts he and has wife are spearheading for Katrina victims in Houston:

COOPER: It's obviously — you know, I talk to a lot of people who watch this on television, and they all want to help, they want to be there. How is it different actually being there and meeting people than it is just kind of watching it on television?

ROCK: You know, when you are here, you meet the people, and, you know, you form a relationship. And, you know, they are real to you. It's not — and you want to help, you want to — you know, you want to be hands on. You don't want to just send a check. And you want to see that, you know, the money you are giving is, you know — you know, going to good.

COOPER: And what — what can you show us? I know you're — I can't see where you are, because we're a little — because I'm over here in Mississippi. What can you show us where you are?

ROCK: What can I show you? OK.

I think this is like — what is this called? I mean, I don't want to sound like a rich guy. I know it's an apartment. But it's called a two bedroom efficiency. A family lives in here.

I sound like (EXPLETIVE DELETED). Sorry.

Yes, you do.

But, you know, it's hard, you know, to be on television. Especially, you know, when you don't, you know, have any experience with it, you know.

(Screengrabs, anyone?)

Anderson Cooper 360° Transcript [CNN]