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We've just received terribly important updates in our two pet stories to close out the week. First, from the Observer's Media Mob:

According to sources involved in the Judith Miller case, lawyers for Miller have turned over an additional, previously unreported batch of notes on the New York Times reporter's conversations with I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby to prosecutor Patrick J. Fitzgerald. The notes, a source said, could significantly change the time frame of Miller's involvement with Libby.

Oh no! This revelation might cause Judy to lose credibility as a First Amendment Hero and Martyr to Journalistic Principles! Like everything else we've learned in the last month! Good thing she's filthy rich, we guess.

And on a front that the less civic-minded of you may be interested in, the divorce that could not be confirmed just moved a little closer to the legitimate press. Via a possibly fabricated press release from a gambling website:

Following a number of suspicious bets on whether or not the marriage between Jessica Simpson and Nick Lachey is truly over, has removed the line and canceled all wagers in regards to the couple. executives grew uneasy when the majority of wagers, which bet on Jessica Simpson and Nick Lachey s relationship as doomed, originated from the area that Simpson and Lachey currently reside not to mention the hometowns of the couple. A near unanimous amount of these bets were placed on the couple not being together.

We'd verify this as anything other than a thinly-veiled marketing ploy, but it's Friday!

The Miller thing is totally on the level, though.

Miller Surrenders Additional Notes [MediaMob]