Defamer Film Finance: Trolling For Funds On Craigslist

Again and again, the local edition of Craigslist has proven its utility as a virtual casting office, offering up on a regular basis exciting opportunities previously available only to those with a high-powered agent. The online community also recently made a successful foray into location scouting, and perhaps buoyed by that pilot program, now seeks to make a splash in the world of film finance:
Looking for short term bridge loan for development funds!
We are a new film production company raising 100K for the development of an unbelievable film project. We already have investors who have documented they want to finance the production on a 2.5 million dollar budget, but we need the development funds to fulfill the conditions that they are demanding to secure those funds. The amount provided will be returned with interest once the money is secure, and in addition the investor will recieve an associate producer credit, financial interest in the film, as well as get to be a part of the film process from beginning to end. If you are looking for a ticket into Hollywood, this is it. You will be able to attend the auditions, the premiere, and travel with the producers to promote the film. If the financing falls through, we are willing to have a promissory note clause so that the company will still be legally responsible for returning the money with interest. Please e-mail ASAP for details. If you do not actually have this kind of money, please do not waste our time or yours. Thank you.
You know that they're serious; these enterprising development execs are not only offering the coveted "associate producer" credit, they show admirable savvy by playing a little hardball to weed out poseurs, politely telling small-timers lacking the appropriate funds not to waste anyone's time. With anonymous Craigslisters in the game, no one's going to need filthy German tax shelter money to realize their dreams ever again.