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Slutty sis Wonkette calls our attention this morning to a little political race going on here in the Big Apple. (Seems there's someone running against Bloomberg for mayor. We had no idea.) We'll let Wonk take it from here:

NYC Democratic mayoral candidate Fernando Ferrer has clearly decided go down in flames. Or flamers. His newest ad features an animated Mayor Bloomberg riding a horse in the lap of George Bush.Then, in the words of the New York Post,

"Bloomberg's right hand, which holds a wad of cash, moves up and down in a rhythmic motion below Bush's belt, as a grin crosses the president's face, and his arms and legs quiver momentarily." Ah, yes, the money shot. Bloomberg's campaign alleges that the 'commercial clearly shows the mayor performing a sex act on Bush.'"

If only, alas, it were true. We'd feel a little less guilty about voting for Mike if we knew he had a kinky streak buried someplace. And we imagine the world would be a better place if George was getting his transgressive release in the Boysroom rather than in, say, Iraq.

I Heart NYC's Bad Mayoral Campaign Ads [Wonkette]
Freddy Ad Rubs Mike the Wrong Way [NYP]
Buddies [Ferrer 2005]