Gossip Roundup: 'OK!' Caves to the Power of Britney

• OK! magazine scraps a story depicting Kevin Federline as a bad husband and father after Britney Spears's people threw a hissy fit. Pussies. [Lowdown (2nd item)]
• On the press tour for Johnny Cash biopic Walk the Line, star Joaquin Phoenix nears meltdown status. Your heart has to go out to his flack, who had to explain why Phoenix asked an AP reporter "Do I have a large frog in my hair?" [Page Six]
• The best part about the logo for Jesus Juice wines, which blatantly mocks Michael Jackson? That the whole idea was thought of by CBS news producer Bruce Rheins. [R&M]
• Sharon Osbourne goes after Madonna, again, this time for looking like an "old hooker." We prefer to think of her as a majestic old lady of the night, but whatever. [Scoop]
• At the Paper nightlife awards, blogger Sarah "Ultragrrl" Lewitinn wins three awards, signifying traditional media's acceptance that bloggers and barflies are not mutually exclusive. [Page Six]