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· Sensing that there might be a few more dollars to be squeezed from The Terminator franchise, Fox commits to a pilot for The Sarah Connor Chronicles, which will also have "a link" to a possible future big-screen trilogy. Would someone please travel back in time and kill us during the closing credits of Terminator 2? Thanks, we'd really appreciate that. Things were so much less cynical then. [Variety]
· Paramount finally makes a honest man out of unstoppable hugging machine John Lesher, officially announcing his hiring to run Paramount Classics. [THR]
· Universal backs up a dump-truck full of cash for a package of the film rights to Malcolm Gladwell's nonfiction bestseller Blink, a deal for Stephen Gaghan to direct and write, and one for Leonardo DiCaprio to star. The pitch was based on a single chapter from the book involving someone who's good at reading faces and body language, which in a quintessentially Hollywood way inspired Gaghan to exclaim, "That's a movie!" Probably while chomping on a cigar and being serviced by someone from the typing pool. [Variety]
· Those half-dozen letter writers from the Parents Television Council kept themselves very busy in the third quarter, as FCC indecency complaints jumped fourfold in that timeframe. [THR]
· Joey co-creator Shana Goldberg seeks to singlehandedly save the moribund sitcom with a groundbreaking pilot for ABC about two sisters, one raised rich, while the other was poor. Are we expected to believe she developed that concept all by herself? [Variety]