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The oddest emails keep getting forwarded to us today. Especially this one:

From: [redacted]
Date: November 10, 2005 6:15:32 AM EST
To: [redacted]
Subject: Tomorrow's Party is ON!!! (Friday 11/11)

The Uptown Men's Party
One room for socializing and one room for playing! Complimentary hors d'oeuvres, beverages, condoms and lube. There will be spiked punch for those 21 and over. This is a party for in-shape, regular, attitude free guys between 18-45 years old. You don't have to be a Chelsea boy with a gym bod, but be proportionate (husky okay, but not fat - sorry bears!) If you are a Chelsea boy, leave the Chelsea 'tude at home for a night of hot sex! Everyone welcome - from muscle boys to the regular "Average Joe"


This week, hear Madonna's "Confessions on a Dance Floor" in the "party" room all night long!

Also: I have once again arranged for rapid, confidential HIV testing to be provided during the party. Harlem United will be testing those who choose to be tested on W. 96th Street between Broadway & Amsterdam. You do not have to attend the party to take advantage of this free service.

Group sex, Madonna, and free HIV tests? Shit. Assuming there's some Golden Girls on TV in the "socializing" room, it's a fag Biosphere 2.