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Look! She's happy! Single and happy! Veryfuckinghappy!
Times Op-Ed diva Maureen Dowd just appeared on the Today show to discuss her much-discussed new book, the very discussion-worthy Are Men Necessary? None too surprisingly, she sat down with Matt Lauer (though we would've loved to see a power struggle with Couric). A loose transcription of the interview's end:

Matt: Writing for the Times, is it harrowing to read a review of your own book inside of it?

MoDo: Actually, I, uh —

Matt: Because I didn't think it was all that wonderful of a review!

MoDo!: No! Oh, well, I never read anything about myself. But my mom had a great saying in cases where people were being catty about you, which is just put out the saucer of milk.

Matt: Get ready for — heh, yeah. I'll let her complete the sentence.

Cut to commercial as Lauer begins purring.